Igballe Terziqi, Kosovo

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Hi! My name is Igballe Terziqi,I’m from Mitrovica. One of my fav things to do is taking pictures of places,sunsets etc. Taking pics taught me to appreciate small things, it also taught me that things look different in different angels! It’s breathtaking how the camera can show what eye can see,photography is art it self! I never thought that my hobby would be photography and I never thought that I’d be so close to it but now that I am it really changed the way I saw life! My main goal is that one day I’ll help people change the way they see things, through good shots.

In the end only kindness matters

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Tradition is not to preserve the ashes,but to pass on the flame•

A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness

A ship is always safe at the shore-but that is NOT what it is built for

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today

We are like seashells upon the beach beautiful and unique each with a story of it's own to tell

I'm at home among the trees

Creativity takes courage

The limit is not the sky, the limit is in the mind

La vie en rose (2)

Cherish every sunset

A city full of bikes

No rain,no flower

Is my soul too dark for you

Trees are poems the Earth writes upon the sky

Meet me where the sky touches the sea


Time is everything we have and don't

Old ways won't open new doors

Don't overthink it

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La vie en rose

Choose to shine

After glow